SWP Authors Archives - LG O'Connor

Category Archives for SWP Authors

Author 101: The Harsh Truth Behind Print Sales

Admit it. As a debut author, you’ve dreamed of walking into a Barnes & Noble and seeing your book on the front table luring readers over to buy it. Dreamy sigh. Am I right? It’s not until you’ve

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FEBRUARY: Author Spotlight, Literary Fiction Author, J. Dylan Yates

Welcome literary fiction writer and fellow She Writes Press author, J. Dylan Yates, as my FEBRUARY “Author Spotlight.” I met Dylan with the rest of the Spring 2014 SWP authors almost a year ago as

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JANUARY: Author Spotlight, Memoir Writer, Gwen Plano

Please welcome memoir writer and fellow She Writes Press author, Gwen Plano, here today as my JANUARY “Author Spotlight.” I met Gwen almost a year ago as our group of authors prepared for our Spring

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DECEMBER Author Spotlight: Memoir writer, Kelly Kittel

I’m super excited to have memoir writer and fellow She Writes Press author, Kelly Kittel, here today as my DECEMBER “Author Spotlight.” I met Kelly almost a year ago as our group of authors prepared

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The Trials and Tribulations of an Authorpreneur by L.G. O’Connor Featured on [REALITY CHECK]

Hi Readers, Join me on Zetta Brown's blog where she features a spot on my journey into “Authorprenuership” with the publication of my new book, The WANDERER'S CHILDREN, which launched today. See

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NaNoWriMo Hangover: 2 Years, 2 Novels, 10 Lessons, 1 Agent

I’m proud to say that I’m part of the horde of writers who spent the last month pumping out word count in between working, trying to launch a book, and generally having some semblance of a life wrapped

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OCTOBER Author Spotlight: Historical Fiction Author, Kristen Harnisch

I had the tremendous pleasure of meeting, fellow She Writes Press historical literary fiction author, Kristen Harnisch, at the recent Writer's Digest Conference in New York City in August, and I’m thrilled

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