My Fangirl moment with Ms. Sherrilyn Kenyon and Why Unpublished Writers Should Attend Conferences - Part 2 - LG O'Connor

My Fangirl moment with Ms. Sherrilyn Kenyon and Why Unpublished Writers Should Attend Conferences – Part 2

L.G. O'Connor & Sherrilyn Kenyon at the Create Something Magical Conference

L.G. O'Connor & Sherrilyn Kenyon at the Create Something Magical Conference

Here I am with the gracious and lovely Ms. Sherrilyn Kenyon. In the picture, Sherrilyn signed my copy of Infamous, the third book in The Chronicles of Nick. At the conference, we found out that she wrote this series for her son who was dismayed one summer by his book list of YA which didn't include any male protagonists.

I originally found her when I picked up the first in the Dark Hunter series, and I was hooked. She pours her heart and soul into every book, and at this point in her career her publisher doesn't flinch at 700-800 pages (Archeron, Styxx). During the reader's chat, it was interesting to hear her discuss her writing process and how much ‘the voices we hear in our heads' drive our stories and the choices of our characters. Her fan base would love to see her expand into some of her secondary characters, but her answer is: “They're just not talking to me.” I get that!

Sherrilyn Kenyon was the keynote speaker for the Create Something Magical Conference sponsored by the Liberty States Writers Group (I'm a member) on March 15th, 2014 in Edison, NJ. She gave a moving speech that was framed as a letter to her son who is also a writer. She talked about both the highs and lows in her career. Rejections, horrible reviews and personal attacks, but also the high points and the triumphs. At the heart of it all, she writes for the same reason the rest of us do, because she loves it.

While I attended the conference, I also got to meet another of my favorite authors, Laura Kaye, and moderate one of her sessions.

Last year, I wrote a piece on why unpublished writers should attend writers conferences. Not only can you meet some of the authors you love to read, but also you can meet agents and editors for manuscripts that you are ready to query.

I just completed my new contemporary romance, a departure from the Angelorum Twelve series launching in April, and want to potentially pursue the agented route with this manuscript. Since I have no future obligations to my current publisher, including the next books in my series, I'm free to pursue other options.

Of the three agents I spoke to, all requested partial manuscripts and one a full. It was a much better option than landing in the slush pile and having to wait. Just sayin'. Fingers crossed as I prepare my submissions 🙂

At the conference, I also met some nice booksellers, authors, reviewers, and readers. Packed into one day, the conference had something for everyone. Next year, this conference will expand to two days and be held on March 20-21. Featured keynote speaker will be Sylvia Day.

Hope to see you there! And hope to participate in next year's Book Fair with Trinity Stones, and the next in the Angelorum Twelve Chronicles, The Wanderer's Children.

Write on!





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