REVIEW: Yield to the Highlander by Terri Brisbin - LG O'Connor

REVIEW: Yield to the Highlander by Terri Brisbin



Genre: Category Romance
Format: EBook
ISBN: 0373297858
Pages: 283
Publisher: Harlequin Historical
Published: May 1, 2014


Fearsome warrior Aidan MacLerie may be brave and unquestionably loyal to his family and clan, but his heart remains restless. Until he meets stunning Catriona MacKenzie. She's a married woman, so he can never truly possess her, yet he seeks her surrender—one kiss at a time….

When the husband from her loveless marriage falls on the battlefield, Cat is left destitute, with her reputation in tatters. Aidan is the only man with the power to protect her now. All Cat has to do is yield to this powerful highlander.


RATING: 4.5 stars

It’s been many years since I’ve read a Harlequin. What I love about them is they are like a delightful confection, easily consumed in a sitting or two. With each read, there is an expectation built in of what it must deliver to the reader.

The focal point of the story is the love story between Aidan and Catriona. He’s a randy younger man who is driven by his need for conquest, and she’s a loyal married woman in a loveless but safe marriage. Never has he wanted a woman like he wants her, and never has she had a man awaken the desire he has in her. At their core, they both discover their own moral ground and live by it… even when it means they might need to give each other up.

Set in Highlands, the historical backdrop doesn’t romanticize the mores or the role of woman in that time. The secondary characters are memorable and add texture to the story which follows these two on their rocky journey to true love.

Enjoyable with the right level of tension and heat.



When not living the glamorous life of a romance author in the southern NJ suburbs, Terri Brisbin spends her time being a married mom of three boys (now young men!) as well as a dental hygienist of hundreds. Active in several RWA chapters, Terri speaks at local and regional conferences across the US.

A three-time RWA RITA® finalist and USA Today bestselling author, Terri has sold more than 1.8 million copies of her historical romance novels and novellas in more than 20 countries around the world since 1998 and has been published by Berkley/Jove, Harlequin and Kensington Books. In addition to working on more historical romances scheduled for release through 2016, she has a new fantasy romance series coming from NAL beginning in 2015!

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