Critique Archives - LG O'Connor

Tag Archives for " Critique "

Dealing with critique on your novel

You’ve received criticism on your novel. Now what? But, hopefully, you’ll never see this on your manuscript! So you’ve engaged beta readers, a critique partner or group, an editor, or someone else

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First Draft to Publication… It takes a Village

Me with part of the LG OCONNOR “Village” – Lesley, Marilyn, and Pat It takes a village. And I’m not talking about raising a child. I’m talking about giving birth to your novel. Not

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Whom are you writing for? Are you sure it’s the Reader?

Personally, I think the dog yawning in the background doesn't bode well. Just sayin'! Back to my questions. Ask almost any writer what they thought of Fifty Shades of Grey and let the games begin. The

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