Excerpt Archives - LG O'Connor

Tag Archives for " Excerpt "

JULY: Author Spotlight, Sci-Fi / Suspense Author, Jenn Nixon

I'm so excited to have author, Jenn Nixon, on Creating the WRITE Reality today. Why? Because it's launch day for Jenn's new novel, LUCKY PROMISE! It's the third book in her Thriller / Romantic suspense

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Launched This Week: Excerpt from YA Novel AS WHITE AS SNOW by Salla Simukka

Every so often I'll run a post as part of a publicity campaign. My general rule is that I'll only agree to participate if I know the author, or the book and / or the author intrigues me. This one falls

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RomCon Reader February 2015: Paranormal Spotlight Author, L.G. O’Connor

I'm thrilled to be the Paranormal Spotlight Author in the February 2015 RomCon Reader eMag! Get some of the story behind the story for The Angelorum Twelve Chronicles and an a special excerpt from The

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