TRINITY STONES Launches Today... - LG O'Connor
Trinity Stones Book Cover

TRINITY STONES Launches Today…

Trinity Stones Book


Dearest Trinity Stones,

Today is the big day. Your official launch into this world. I've been staring at “Cara” and “Kai” on your cover for over a year now, and I still love them as much as I love you. Your birth weight is in the range of 125,000 words, but you probably gained and lost over 300,000 words during all of my rewrites and revisions. Chapter one changed three times alone. I've read you cover-to-cover close to 20 times, and I've determined that I'll never tire of you. My goal in writing you (and the siblings in your series) was to write a story that I wanted to read…in that, I've succeeded. No one can ever take that away from you. If your readers love you as much as I do, then that's just icing on the cake.

As you step out into the world, you must realize that not everyone will love you, some will think you're just ‘meh', some will actually hate you. And that's OK.

So to you, my book baby, I say, “Happy Birthday, TRINITY STONES! Journey forth in peace and love…”



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1 comment
Rossandra White says April 23, 2014

Woot!! Happy happy launch day. Can’t wait to read.

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